Something To Celebrate

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Want to be a Wedding Coordinator?

As the owner of Something To Celebrate, I receive countless emails from people who are looking for an internship or position to get their foot in the door as a wedding coordinator. And it's not hard to understand why - being a wedding coordinator is quite possibly the best job on earth! But with so many people wanting to take this career path, what will set you apart?

The first step you should take is to obtain your wedding coordinator certification. The academic requirements of a certification course will teach you the background knowledge required to work weddings and events. The course will also give you a better idea of what it means to be a wedding coordinator, and if it's the right career path for you. Once you've acquired your certification, you'll need to gain hands-on experience. Most Austin wedding coordinating firms offer internships, but these positions are highly competitive - having your certification will help you stand out among the inquiries.

I teach the Wedding Coordinator Certification course at Texas State University. I studied education at Trinity University and have a decade of experience as a teacher. Teaching this course is the perfect marriage of my love of both education and weddings!

Registration is now open for the next course, which begins October 6th. For info, see Texas State's website.

I'll see you in class! :)