Something To Celebrate

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Happy Anniversary Rozalyn & Michael!!!

Occassionally I coordinate a wedding that is worth mentioning a second time. And this one definitely is. Rozalyn & Michael's wedding in January 2009 was one for the books. It was a true lesson in compromise and in making a space your own.

Both Rozalyn & Michael LOVE to ski, and Rozalyn really wanted a destination wedding at a ski lodge in Colorado. However, Michael had is heart set on an in-state affair. What was the solution? bring a ski lodge to Texas, of course! We transformed the beautiful Barr Manison in Austin, TX into a warm ski lodge - complete with snow (yes, snow - it fell over the guests as they entered the ballroom) on the exterior and a warm, cozy feeling in the interior.

Here are a couple of the crazy beautiful pictures taken by Studio 563.

Happy Anniversary guys!!!

Much love, Resha