Upon the start of a New Year...
Ahh...everyone knows what the New Year brings: fireworks, parties, and YES New Year's resolutions! These mental (or written) promises to workout a certain number of times a week, read a book a month, etc. help people to accomplish goals set for themselves. However, many people fail to complete their goal over the course of the year. Low and behold, a New Year's resolution can be perfect to help get back on track of planning your wedding, especially if you have slipped during the month of December. Set goals for yourself for each week and write them down. If you write them down, it makes it harder for you to pretend these goals don't exist! Also, post reminders of what you have to have done before the end of the week around your house to help remind you! The bathroom mirror, the fridge door, and the back of the front door are perfect places to put reminders!
Have a Happy New Year!
Rebecca ;)