Happy Planet!

So browsing the internet I stumbled upon this very interesting website about our planets "Happiness Index". I took a test that is supposed to give you your Personal Happy Planet index, your Life Expectancy, and your ecological footprint.

I scored 60.9 on my Personal Happy Planet index. Meaning that I am above the world average on what I do to conserve this planet, but I still could improve some. I know the main areas were I need to improve are DRIVING. I need to try and carpool/cycle/use public transportation more often.

For the Life Expectancy index I scored a life expectancy of 98.8 years, LOL, lets hope that holds true for myself and for friends!

For the Ecological Footprint, I scored that I use 2-3 times my share of planet resources..YIKES! Will start changing that ASAP!

Guess what country scored the HIGHEST on wasting planet resources....(drumroll please..) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Come on guys! We all need to start taking better care of our planet, (myself included).

Costa Rica however scored near the top of the index and uses their fair share of the planets resources! Cheers to Costa Rica!

How can we do this while planning our weddings you ask?
  • Donate goods from your wedding to your wedding planner, caterer, or a good will to bring happiness to future brides
  • Buy 100% PCW recycled invitations that are processed without chlorine. Encourage guests to recycle their invitations, or have seeds embedded in the paper so that guests can plant the invitations and enjoy the flowers that grow from them.
  • Find a caterer who will provide vegetarian and organic entrees.
  • Use potted plants in place of cut flowers for centerpieces. These can then be given as gifts or enjoyed in your home.
  • Visit www.idofoundation.org where you can find out wonderful ways to raise money for charity through your wedding favors, gift registry, and honeymoon!
There are so many ways to help your community and earth!
Happy Planning!