Austin Videographers: Why to hire?

Often times, when I get the section of our info sheet and I ask my clients, "Are you hiring a Videographer", the answer is sometimes, "No."

Before you are too quick to scratch a videographer off the list, please consider the pro's to hiring a videographer. Personally, I feel that hiring a Videographer, if it is in the budget, is a no-brainer. While you have the beautiful photographs for the rest of your life, the photos won't captures the words that were spoken and the intense emotions that were felt on that day. A talented wedding videographer will!

Your wedding day will fly by, and you are not going to remember what was said at your toasts, or how your dad was tearing up during your first dance. You will not see the cute flower girl who posed for the camera while walking down the aisle. This is your wedding day and you should provide yourself with a memory that can never be replaced.

Take a look at this couple who chose NOT to hire a videographer. Hope this makes your decision easier!

A couple of videographers that we love!
Happy Planning
Lorena Molina