Twilight - You Know this Post had to Happen

Okay, I'm going to admit it. I am a HUGE Twilight fan. I've read all four books (some several times), and I've been waiting anxiously for what seems like forever for Breaking Dawn to premiere. And yes...that was me. The 33 year-old in loungewear and no makeup (along with two great friends) at the midnight showing on November 18th. Don't judge me. It was totally worth it.

I'm around weddings a LOT; therefore, the ceremony scenes weren't as emotional for me as they seem to be for others in the theater. However, what I did pay careful attention to (besides the decor) was the gown. Much like Princess Catherine, Bella (or for the fans out there - Alice, really) chose a long-sleeve number. Unlike The Princess though, the gown was uber form-fitting, and had an amazing sheer cutout at the back.

I predict we will see a LOT more long-sleeve creations coming in from the designers (we are already starting to). And really...we need them. It seems like 95% of the gowns are there are strapless ... a girl needs options. My guess is we will also see more high neck - low back styles around as well :-)

Happy shopping!!