Real Couples: Alexia & Branden

Meet Alexia & Branden! I have the pleasure of helping them plan their 2011 wedding, and I couldn't be happier. These two make a great pair - they are the type of couple that makes me love my what I do.


Alexia W. & Branden L.

Where's Home:

Alexia - Houston, TX / Branden - anywhere Alexia is

Why a Houston Wedding:

We are both in Houston and our families are here. Our extended family is all over the place as well so it would be easier to bring them here.

Length of Engagement:

Since July 3, 2009

How long until the wedding:

September 2, 2011

Who did you first tell you were engaged:

My friends and I were joking before the cruise about it so I guess they were although we told the photographers on the cruise that took our pictures.

If you had to start over in your wedding planning, what one thing would you do differently:

Have more money saved and already have the honeymoon choosen before anything else.

During the ceremony, who will be the first to cry:

both of our mothers

What are your three favorite blogs/websites (besides STC's):

We just mainly surf and use mainstream blogs.

Why did you hire a wedding coordinator? OR When selecting someone to trust with your wedding day, why did you choose STC?:

Between my graduation, studying for the licensing exams, and both of us working, our time as become very limited. Resha also seemed very much like us, very real, and realistic. She also seemed to understand us from day 1.

Thanks bunches guys! I'm looking forward to your big day!

Much love, Resha