Real Couples: Sarah + Jonathan

I've been working with Sarah and Jonathan since September 2009 and they're a hoot. They met while attending Rice (which happens to be my mom's alma mater as well) in a singing group - so fun! I haven't heard them sing but Sarah swears that Jonathan's the one with talent. A former choir geek myself, I guess it's no surprise that we've been known to pepper


references throughout some of our conversations.

Working with these two has been a blast and I'm so excited their day is almost here! Be sure to check back for wedding day pictures from their fabulous photographer - I'll post them as soon as he sends them my way.

Here's Sarah!

Wedding Website

We have a totally awesome website, but it's private to our guests.

You'll have to trust us on that.

Wedding Planning Blog

It was a dream of mine to have a wedding blog, but I figured that if I

didn't have time to fully plan the wedding myself, I probably didn't

have time to write a wedding planning blog myself.

Where's Home?

Sarah - Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Jonathan - New Orleans, Louisiana

Why an Austin Wedding?

Short Answer:

We live here.

Long Answer:

I've been dreaming about planning my own wedding for a

loooong time, so I knew I wanted to be pretty involved in the process.

I didn't think I could participate as much if the wedding wasn't

close to where I live.

Length of engagement?

10 months, though I've been nagging Jonathan about getting married for

somewhere between 3 and 8 years.

How long until the wedding?

Exactly one month!

Who did you first tell you were engaged?

The official answer:

Our parents

The unofficial answer:

Jonathan's brother, who had been hiding down

the hall. He had helped Jonathan set up the house for the proposal,

but I got home before he could escape.

If you had to start over in your wedding planning, what one


would you do differently?

I don't know...we haven't made many egregious errors yet. I guess I'd

have made a sample invitation first before constructing fifty with

faulty adhesives.

***Jessica's note: Sarah has an awesome SAT-worthy vocabulary. I, on

the other hand, had to look-up 'egregious' and for anyone else wondering,

here's what my good friend


says, "






conspicuously bad




During the ceremony, who will be the first to cry?

My mom

What are your three favorite blogs/websites (besides STC's)?

Road to the Aisle -

- I made my

aforementioned invitations based on the instructions I found here. I

am therefore forever indebted to this site, though we will never know

how else I (and my bridal party) could have spent those 100 hours...

Offbeat Bride -

-- Sadly, I will never be

offbeat enough to belong here, but at least I could dream...

The Knot -

Why did you hire a wedding coordinator?

I was working in an elementary school, and as such it was very

difficult to make phone calls and organize meetings during business

hours. If nothing else, I needed someone to do all the vendor

scheduling for me, so that's why we initially sought a coordinator.

Since then, we've found it very useful to have Jessica guide us to

good prices and reliable vendors, and I'm so glad that someone besides

me will be keeping our wedding day on schedule. Annnnnd, even having

watched endless wedding shows over the past several years, I still

didn't know how much I didn't know about weddings. Having an expert

on hand at all times has been invaluable.

Engagement Photos by Eric Von with
